
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Tonight we're staying at the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction, VT.

We drive up from Ayer on I-93, but got off the interstate in New Hampshire. We had a nice drive through Lebanon, NH, crossing over the bridge into White River Junction, VT.

After dropping stuff off at the hotel, we went over to the trainstation to check out the little train history museum.

We went to Quechee, VT. There is a nice covered bridge there. We also went into the Simon Pearce gallery. We got to see them blowing glass and also walkted out on the terrace that overlooks the river and the damn.

We ate dinner at Fire Stones Restaurant. It was OK, but Emma didn't last through the whole meal. The meal was ok, but kinda heavy and nothing to write home about.

That evening we went back to the hotel. Emma, Mark and Jen all slept soundly in the big king size bed.

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